donderdag 3 juni 2010

Japa/ Kirtan retreat 2010 with HH Sacinandana Swami

2010 on Radhadesh was the first time that Sacinandana Swami introduced the Kirtan retreat. The 5 day during retreat was very, very inspiring. Every day there were courses between 8.00 in the morning untill 21.00 at night.

Maharadja introduced the so called Kirtan Arrow:
A= allignment(tuning the body, mind and heart to the chanting)
R= relationship(be aware of the relationship to the Divine Personalities)
R= rendering service(your chanting as an offering of service)
O= opening the heart(the meaning of the mantra in the heart)
W= welcoming the divine gift(be a greatful recipient, not an impatient receiver)

Every day one of these characters and the theme of the day was revealed. Sacinandana Swami is an expert in giving lectures in which he uses music, photographs, yoga etcetera. This really keeps your attention with the classes. Especially the yoga...because the training could be heavy in which you used almost every muscle!

At the last day we had a Nama yajna, this was a 4 hour non-stop Kirtan with different kirtaneers. Last but not least kirtanexpert HH Kadamba Kanana Swami came in and we had the best kirtan of the night. Maharadja even broke one of the keys of the harmonium!

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